The Web
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Adobe Audition - Classroom in a Book
Like the book on Acrobat, these lab books are really well written and take you on a good tour of what you can do with the tool. While most of the tutorials are aimed at producing music tracks, I found the tool to be invaluable for creating sound bytes and other effects for software use without having to bother with copyright issues. Not to mention writing code to generate wav files well... Audition comes with a users manual which covers similar material. Its worth reading them both. This CIB covers; quick tour, basics, edit view, multitrack view, working with loops and waves, using noise reduction filters, editing voices, using the bus mixer with real time effects, using the equalization tools, batch processing and scripting, optimizing audio files for the web, importing CD audio and building a CD, integrating audition and premier pro. You can even edit the audio on video tracks with this tool as well as rip CDs. (Adobe Press, 280 pages, CD-ROM) |
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SCWCD Exam Study Kit - Java Web Component Developer Certification
Readily readable, found the seventeen chapters to be an in depth walk through of what JSP and servlets can provide. Topics covered: servlet model and deployment, containers, exception handling, managing sessions, securing web applications, thread safe servlets, the JSP model, reusable JSP, javabeans, using custom tags, developing custom tags, design patterns and filter usage. Appendices cover: XML intro, Tomcat installation, sample web.xml file, exam prep guideline and a practice exam. With the CD rom you can actually set up and run all of the examples in the book. The CD rom also contains lots of specs as well as software for three practice exams. (Manning, 530 pages, CD-ROM) |
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Adobe Acrobat 5.0
Contains 14 easily digestable chapters on the use of Acrobat. If you use Acrobat as a Web tool this book is well worth the time spent understanding the power and capabilities of Acrobat. Each chapter is roughly a 30 to 50 minute lesson on different features. Acrobat does not claim to be the front end editor for creating documents, but rather a backend editor used for promotional literature, slide shows and web sites. There is even a built in Forms editor which allows you to collect data via entry fields, combo-boxes radio buttons etc. and forward the data to a cgi script. Other features include dynamic translation of existing web pages to PDF format as well as distiller, a translator which takes PostScript output and produces PDF files. Additionally there is a second book in the series for more advanced editing aptly named "Master Class" (Adobe, 397 pages, CD-ROM) |
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Beginning XML, 2nd Edition
This is one of those books you could easily read twice as some of the chapters were so full of detail that
absorbing all of the information was futile. Starts out with an intro to XML, Namespaces, XSLT, DTDs, and Schemas.
Book then covers using XML with the DOM Model. Forges further with simple API for XML (SAX), a good example of XML and SOAP,
displayable XML, XML with databases, querying and linking XML via XQuery, XPointer and XLink. Book ends with two case studies
utilizing XML. Several appendices on DOM, XPath, XSLT, Schema elements, attributes and datatypes and finally SAX.
Examples illustrated with IE and the MSXML parser.
(Wrox, 784 Pages) |
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Web Design in a Nutshell
Covers the following design aspects; accessibility, browser types, display types, printing from the web, formating, links, images, internationalization, objects, forms, tables, frames, web palette, HTML color, audio and video. Also has concise overviews of the following tools and technologies; CSS, HTML, Server Side Includes, GIF, JPEG, PNG, Flash, Shockwave, JavaScript, DHTML, XML, XHTML, WAP, and WML. (O'Reilly, 618 pages) |
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Webmaster in a Nutshell
The sibling to Web Design, this book covers similar material but from a "Web Server" view.
Topics include; HTML, CSS, XML, JavaScript, CGI, Perl, mod_perl, PHP, HTTP, Apache and server configurations.
(O'Reilly,523 pages) |
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Dynamic HTML in Action
This book now out of print, is a good general reference for HTML and with accompaning CD gives good examples of the functionality of DHTML. It also contains samples of IE specific DHTML. (Microsoft, 377 pages, CD-ROM) |